Events + Programs

Wild Things at PASC

LANTERN 9301 Kercheval Ave, Detroit, MI, United States

Participating Artists: Jamille Berry, Caleb Brazill, Stanley Brown, Jerri Burks, Therrin Burns, Alyce Carter, Sereal Crawford, Dwayne Curry, Ashley Hawkins, Joseph Lucas II, Scott Maciejewski, Billy Medley, Kimberly Petteys, Khiry O’Neil, Alsendoe Owens, Ray Smith, Willie Whitehead, Lauren Williams, and Promise Vos. WILD THINGS marks the third iteration of the Artist-Curator series, featuring curators Mandy […]

Bill Rauhauser Retrospective at Coup D’état

LANTERN 9301 Kercheval Ave, Detroit, MI, United States

Coup D’état is thrilled to present “Bill Rauhauser: A Retrospective” in collaboration with Hill Gallery on Saturday, March 29th from 5 pm - 8 pm. The late master lensman and Kresge Arts Detroit Eminent Artist Award recipient photographed the streets of Detroit – and its people – for decades, capturing the raw humanity, spirit and […]

From Trash to Upcycled Treasure – A Wayne State University College Of Fine Performing and Communication Arts & the Shepherd Collaboration

the Shepherd 1265 Parkview Street, Detroit, MI, United States

Join us for this 2.5-hour session to learn how to take your old items from Trash to Upcycled Treasures. We've got a project for various skill levels; whether you are a creative guru or new to the do-it-yourself world of repurposing old clothes. You will learn how to make more environmentally friendly fashion choices while […]

Day of Dreaming at the Shepherd

the Shepherd 1265 Parkview Street, Detroit, MI, United States

Join us on Saturday, April 26th, from 12 - 2:30 PM at the Shepherd for a "Day of Dreaming" workshop with artist Alisha B. Wormsley in partnership with Sibyls Shrine. In this workshop, Alisha will lead participants in creating Dream Pillows and Dream Medicine Bags, ancestral crafts that enhance dreaming. The session will cover the […]