Stanton Yards

Stanton Yards will be a waterfront destination in the Little Village neighborhood, situated along the Detroit River with unobstructed views of Belle Isle.

About Stanton Yards

“Sustainability and cultural enrichment are at the forefront of the design, with a focus on reconnecting the community with the riverfront. To draw visitors from the city to the river, new facades along Jefferson Avenue will create a porous entryway to the waterfront where guests can explore and play.” — Architect Magazine

Deriving its name from the waterway’s original title of the Stanton Canal while paying homage to the site’s industrial history, the transformation of Stanton Yards is led by architecture firm SO – IL and multidisciplinary design firm OSD (Office of Strategy + Design). The development strategy for Stanton Yards will transition the storage and service-based marina into a 13-acre cultural amenity for the community, with over 80,000 square feet of commercial and creative space, 85 boat slips, and programmed waterfront parks.


“The ethos that ‘new ideas must use old buildings’ guides our transformation of Stanton Yards into a thriving, multifaceted community. Our design ingrains four historic buildings with tactility and refinement while paying homage to the site’s robust nautical character. Revitalizing these old structures catalyzes innovation and creativity, transforming the site into an incubator for fresh ideas. In the spaces between, we envision a platform for diverse community-focused programming. These buildings become more than just a backdrop; they emerge as integral components of an evolving urban landscape,” says Florian Idenburg, Co-founding Principal of SO – IL.


OSD, led by Partner Simon David, is designing the master plan and grounds for the 13-acre marina site, including a new waterfront restaurant and office building, cohesively tying together the existing buildings and functioning marina into one arts-focused campus. At the heart of the design—connecting the new facades at Jefferson Avenue to the Detroit River—is an emphasis on sustainability and a reintroduction of diverse cultural and ecological destinations. Once completed, Stanton Yards will be a publicly accessible site with access to the arts, ecology, boating, and waterfront activities. Library Street Collective, alongside neighborhood stakeholders, will spearhead the cultural programming and initiatives, which will include exhibitions, public activations, and performances.


“As Detroit undergoes a waterfront renaissance, Stanton Yards is poised to become a thriving new community destination for the city, combining arts, recreation, and ecological richness with new access from city to river. The 13-acre site, once home to theatres and military warehouses alike, is designed from the outside-in, merging nature, structures, and new buildings, seamlessly uniting the community with the waterfront. It’s an honor to be working once again with our visionary clients Anthony and JJ Curis, who are invested in breathing new life into this neighborhood,” said Simon David, Principal, OSD.

Up Next: Charles McGee Legacy Park

The Charles McGee Legacy Park honors the life and contributions of the late Detroit Icon, whose career as an artist chronicled the Black experience and sustained optimism regarding the future of Detroit and its people.